Veterans Day...
A day of remembrance. A day of reflection. A day of honor. A day of thanks.
"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." -Elmer Davis
"Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die." -G.K. Chesterton
Today is Veterans Day. So, as I sit here reflecting upon that fact, I can't help but find my thoughts tracing back to my grandfather. Alton William Fuller: grandfather, father, husband, friend, Marine. My grandfather is many things: a brave man, good man, an inspiration, an example, and so much more.
I'm so thankful to have this amazing man in my life, and though I don't get as much time with him as I would like...he is forever an influence in my life, in my person. Grandpa Bill is wonderful, there is so much I could say for him, about him, to him. I wouldn't even, don't even, know where to begin. I love him as only a grand-daughter can love a grandfather. It's a never ending, altruistic yet also selfish, unconditional kind of love. Nearly impossible to explain; impossible to put into words.
Grandpa isn't perfect, by any means. Heaven knows he's made mistakes. Just as anyone else...the man is only human; I wouldn't have him any other way. But even in his mistakes, he manages to be an example, a guiding light. To me at least, if not to anyone else. I might not have the most traditional relationship with my grandfather, and I might not see him or spend time with him as frequently as one might assume, or as frequently as I would like (despite a relatively close vicinity in our physical locations). Other factors in life have always managed to interfere with this option. However, whether I get to see him every day, every week, every month, or every year, it wouldn't matter, I would still feel the same way. Perhaps the lack of time we get makes the time we have that much more valuable. I treasure every moment and every memory I have as if it were gold. My memories might be few and far between, but to me they are a treasure trove that will be cherished forever.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." -John Fitzgerald Kennedy
My grandfather has taught me how to be. Maybe without even realizing it. I can safely say that I wouldn't be the person I am today, without the influence my grandpa has had in my life. For many reasons, many silent lessons, and through that unconditional love that I believe to go both ways.
Things I inherited from my grandfather (and/or my mother through grandpa):
* My love of spice
* My love of food
* My addiction to jalepenos
* My strong sense of humor
* My stubborn streak
* My strong work ethic
* My perseverance and ability to keep pushing forward
* My ability to roll with the punches
* The gift of gab
* The ability to have humble pride
Things I've learned from my grandfather (and/or my mother through grandpa):
* To take accountability
* Responsibility
* To be cautious about life choices
* To deal with consequences and make the best of bad situations
* To remember without looking back or holding yourself back
* To embrace mistakes and learn from them rather than run from them
* To not allow distance or lack of time dictate feelings for important people in our lives
* To be choosy about who I let into my heart
* To never let go of those already in my heart
* To push myself for self improvement
* Not to be afraid of indulging (and trying to remember moderation with that)
Things I want to say to my grandfather:
* Thank you. For your service, your influence, your steadfastness, your love, your humor, for so many things. For being you, for being my grandfather, and for enriching my life by being a part of it. And so much more.
* I love you
* You never cease to inspire me, whether through words, memories, or example
* Though we've had little time, I value every second I've gotten
* It's a privilege to be your grand-daughter
While this day is important for everyone to remember and thank all Veterans, and while I'm so grateful for all the men and women who serve, I'm also thankful for the reflections of my own personal Vet. My wonderful grandfather. This day is for all veterans, but this day is for you too grandpa! All my love goes out, especially to you.