"Tied together with a smile, coming undone."
"Faith is a bluebird you see from afar. It's for real and as sure as the first evening star. You can't touch it, or buy it, or wrap it up tight. But it's there just the same making things turn out right."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Just call me...uh...G.I. Jane??

Is it still closure if it makes you long for something you've lost even more? I am sorely missing some things right now. But knowing the truth, having more facts, that's got to be for the best right? It's always better to have more of the story than to be left in the dark. The more information you have, the more equipped you are to be able to handle any situation. In the immortal words of G.I. Joe: "Knowing is half the battle".

So in any case, I've gained a little "closure". Gained a few answers. A little knowledge...well, a little information. So it's for the best. Or, at least I THINK it's a step in the right direction.

I'm like the little engine that could, just chugging along. Chuggin' and hoping that I'm chuggin' in the right direction, hard to tell if I'm even ON the tracks sometimes, let alone on the right track. Or which direction I'm heading, whether I'm coming or going.

So on the one hand, a little closure. And on the other hand, another person in my life is just causing me to second guess myself...

It's funny how some people can make you feel like you're worth more than you once thought, and how others can make you feel like you're less than you are. Even within the same period of time. The result is me being left without a clue as to what I should do. Frustrated and confused.

Perhaps it's time to focus on other things for a while...

Well I'm going to keep this one short and sweet (for a change, seems my posts are never short! haha)

So until next time, don't forget to breathe!

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